

European Biologist Title

Article 1

1. The European Biologist (EurBiol) professional title is owned by ECBA. EurBiol is a trademark owned by ECBA.

2. The European Biologist title may be awarded to a biologist who is a full member of one of the Full or Associate Member national biologists associations in ECBA; has satisfied the entry requirements in force at the time of his/her application; has paid the required fees; has agreed to abide by the European Biologist code of conduct and ethics.

3. Any proposal to amend the EurBiol regulations shall derive only from the Registration committee, Steering Committee or the Council of ECBA.

4. Any amendment of the EurBiol regulation shall require the support of at least two thirds of the representatives of the Full members present and voting.

European Biologist Registration Committee

Article 2

ECBA Council shall appoint a European Biologist Registration Committee. The Committee shall comprise a chair and three members, each of which shall be a representative or alternate of a different National Biological Association. The Treasurer shall also be invited to attend Committee meetings. The Chairman and committee members shall serve for a period of three years. Each shall be eligible to continue in that office for one further period no longer than three years.

The European Biologist Registration Committee shall publish regulations for the European Biologist title after amendments by the Council. These regulations shall specify the entry requirements, the fees, the period of registration. and the code of conduct and ethics in force at the time; ensure that the regulations are applied evenly to all applicants; approve the award of the European Biologist title to applicants who satisfy the regulations in force at the time.


Responsibilities of the National Biologists Associations

Article 3

1. The National Biologists Associations will verify the qualifications and professional experience of the applicant; receive and consider reports from referees, where appropriate; submit to ECBA two signed copies of the EurBiol license agreement, the registration fee, a summary on the application received, together with a recommendation on a decision by ECBA.

2. The responsibilities of the National Biologists Associations shall be regulated in an agreement between ECBA and each Full or Associate member.

Appeal against refusal to award title

Article 4

1. An applicant may appeal once to ECBA Council against a refusal by the European Biologist Registration Committee to award him/her the European Biologist title.

2. The Chair of the European Biologist Registration Committee shall inform the applicant of the reason(s) why the application was refused and inform the applicant that s/he may provide further information in support of the appeal.

3. All the relevant information relating to the appeal shall be sent to the ECBA Chairman who shall arrange for the-appeal to be heard by the ECBA Council.

4. The ECBA Chairman shall inform the candidate of the result of the appeal and the decision of the ECBA Council shall be final. There shall not be a second appeal.

Certificates and register

Article 5

1. Each applicant who has been awarded the European Biologist title shall be sent a dated certificate signed by the Chair of the European Biologist Registration Committee and be entitled to use the designation EurProBiol after his/her name for the period specified in the regu1ations in force at the time.

2. At the end of this period each European Biologist must reapply and pay a renewal fee to remain on the register for a further period of registration.

3. The European Biologist Registration Committee shall ensure that a register (database) shall be kept of each person entitled to call him/herself a European Biologist. This register shall be published by decision of the Council.

Removal from register

Article 6

1. The European Biologist Registration Committee shall upon the decision of the Council remove from the register each European Biologist who

has ceased to be a full Member of his/her national biological association;

has not paid the correct fees;

has been adjudged by the relevant national biological association to be guilty of professional misconduct.

2. The National Biologists’ Associations will inform ECBA in writing of any conditions indicating any of its titleholders no longer fulfilling the requirements for the EurProBiol. Subject to prior consultation with ECBA, the National Biologists’ Association will take actions towards a verification of evidence produced.


European Collective Trade Mark

Article 7

1. ECBA owns the logos incorporating the words ECBA and EurBiol respectively, which ECBA has registered as European Collective Trade Marks.

2. ECBA licenses national biologists associations which are Full or Associate Members of ECBA to use the ECBA logo . ECBA also licenses each biologist who holds the European Biologist professional title and has paid the relevant fees to use the EurProBiol logo.



Article 8

1. Full Members, Associate Members and Affiliate Members having paid their annual fee are entitled to a refund up to a limit set by the Council for travel expenses acquired for attending the Council.

2. Officers of the Steering Committee, Registration Committee and anyone especially invited by the Council or Steering Committee to attend a meeting have the right to a full refund, however it is expected that all costs should be kept as low as possible.


Professional Conduct

Article 9

ECBA expects professional biologists associated with ECBA member bodies, regardless of whether they hold the European Biologist professional title or not, to observe a code of conduct. It recognises that each national biological association will determine a code appropriate to the conditions of the country concerned applicable to all non-titleholders. EurProBiol titleholders have agreed to abide to a code of conduct specified by ECBA Council.



Article 10

Statements giving the views of ECBA may be made only by the Council, the Steering Committee, the Chairman or those authorised by the Council.


Decided by the Council meeting on 24th of April 1999 in Lyon

Edited January 07, 2010 by Nicolas Schauer

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